Source code for goodruns.grl

# Author: Noel Dawe <>

This module provides the main GRL class and utility functions

from . import info

import sys
import os
import copy
import urllib2
from pprint import pprint
from operator import sub, or_, and_, xor, itemgetter
from .sorteddict import SortedDict
import bisect
import datetime
import cStringIO
import re
import xml.etree.ElementTree as _ET

    import yaml
    USE_YAML = True
except ImportError:
    USE_YAML = False

__all__ = [

XML_WHITESPACE = re.compile(
    '>\n\s+([^<>\s].*?)\n\s+</', re.DOTALL)
LBRANGE_ORDER = re.compile(
    '<LBRange End="(?P<end>\d+)" Start="(?P<start>\d+)"/>')

def fix_attr_order(match):
    return '<LBRange Start="{0}" End="{1}"/>'.format('start'),'end'))

def pretty_xml(doc):
    Fix-up minidom's toprettyxml() output
    # remove extra whitespace created by minidom
    xml = XML_WHITESPACE.sub('>\g<1></', doc.toprettyxml(indent='  '))
    # preserve order of Start and End attributes (although the order of XML
    # node attributes is not important and should not be depended on)
    xml = LBRANGE_ORDER.sub(fix_attr_order, xml)
    return xml[len('<?xml version="1.0" ?>') + 1:]

def get_tree_builder():
    if info.USE_LXML:
        import lxml.etree as ET
        import xml.etree.ElementTree as ET
    class _MetadataTreeBuilder(ET.TreeBuilder):
        Implements doctype() as required to avoid deprecation warnings with
        def doctype(self, name, pubid, system):
    return _MetadataTreeBuilder()

[docs]def clipped(grl, startrun=None, startlb=None, endrun=None, endlb=None): """ Return a clipped GRL between startrun, startlb and endrun, endlb (inclusive). *grl*: GRL *startrun*: [ int | None ] *startlb*: [ int | None ] *endrun*: [ int | None ] *endlb*: [ int | None ] """ grl_copy = copy.deepcopy(grl) grl_copy.clip(startrun=startrun, startlb=startlb, endrun=endrun, endlb=endlb) return grl_copy
[docs]def diffed(*args): """ Return the difference of multiple GRLs: (((A-B)-C)-D) ...) *args*: tuple of GRLs """ return reduce(sub, args)
[docs]def ored(*args): """ Return the OR of multiple GRLs: A | B | C ... *args*: tuple of GRLs """ return reduce(or_, args)
[docs]def anded(*args): """ Return the AND of multiple GRLs: A & B & C ... *args*: tuple of GRLs """ return reduce(and_, args)
[docs]def xored(*args): """ Return the XOR of multiple GRLs: A ^ B ^ C ... *args*: tuple of GRLs """ return reduce(xor, args)
[docs]class LumiblockRange(tuple): """ A 2-tuple consisting of the lower and upper bounds of a lumiblock range. """ def __new__(cls, *args): """ *args*: [ tuple | list ] 2-tuple/list of lumiblock numbers in ascending order """ if len(args) == 1 and isinstance(args[0], tuple): args = args[0] if len(args) != 2: raise ValueError( "lbrange must contain exactly 2 elements: {0}".format((args,))) for lumiblock in args: if not isinstance(lumiblock, (int, long)): raise TypeError("lbrange must contain integers or longs only") if args[0] > args[1]: raise ValueError("lbrange in wrong order: {0}".format((args,))) return super(LumiblockRange, cls).__new__(cls, args) def __contains__(self, lbn): """ Determine whether a lumiblock is contained by this lumiblock range *lbn*: int """ return self[0] <= lbn <= self[1] def __cmp__(self, other): """ Determine whether this lumiblock range should be placed to the right or left of another lumiblock number or range *other*: LumiblockRange """ if isinstance(other, (int, long)): if other in self: return 0 return cmp(self[0], other) return super(LumiblockRange, self).__cmp__(other)
[docs] def intersects(self, lbrange): """ Determine if self intersects with another lumiblock range *lbrange*: LumiblockRange """ if lbrange[0] in self or lbrange[1] in self: return True if self[0] in lbrange or self[1] in lbrange: return True return False
[docs] def as_set(self): """ Convert self to set of lumiblocks """ return set(range(self[0], self[1] + 1))
[docs]class GRL(object): """ The main GRL class holds a python dictionary mapping runs to a list of lumiblock ranges (2-tuples) """ formats = [ 'xml', 'yml', 'txt', 'py', 'cut' ] ROOT_PATTERN = re.compile(r'\.root[^ \t\n\r\f\v:/]*:/') def __init__(self, grl=None, from_string=False, format=None): """ *grl*: [ dict | str | None ] *from_string*: bool If True, interpret grl as xml string and not filename """ = 'GRL' self.version = '1.0' self.metadata = [] self.__grl = SortedDict() if not grl: return if isinstance(grl, dict): self.from_dict(grl) return if isinstance(grl, basestring) and from_string: self.from_string(grl) return elif from_string: raise TypeError("grl is non-string type '{0}' while " "using from_string=True".format(type(grl))) elif isinstance(grl, (basestring, file)): filename = grl if isinstance(grl, basestring): # is grl a URL? if re.match('^http(s)?://', grl) is not None: grl = urllib2.urlopen(grl) # is grl a ROOT file path? elif, grl): # one place where goodruns requires ROOT try: import ROOT except ImportError: raise ImportError( "Specified a GRL in a ROOT file " "but cannot import ROOT. Is ROOT installed " "with PyROOT enabled?") cwd = ROOT.gDirectory filename, _, path = grl.rpartition(':/') root_file = ROOT.TFile.Open(filename) if not root_file: raise IOError( "Could not open ROOT file: {0}".format(filename)) grl = root_file.Get(path) if not grl: raise ValueError( "Path {0} does not exist in ROOT file {1}".format( path, filename)) if not isinstance(grl, ROOT.TObjString): raise TypeError( "Object at {0} is not a ROOT.TObjString".format( path)) self.from_string(str(grl.GetString())) root_file.Close() # return to previous directory for run in self.iterruns(): self.__grl[run].sort() self.__optimize(run) return elif isinstance(grl, file): filename = name, ext = os.path.splitext(filename) if filename == '<stdin>' or ext == '.xml' or format == 'xml': if info.USE_LXML: import lxml.etree as ET else: import xml.etree.ElementTree as ET if sys.version_info >= (2, 7): tree = ET.parse( grl, parser=ET.XMLParser( target=get_tree_builder())) else: tree = ET.parse(grl) self.from_xml(tree) elif ext == '.yml' or format == 'yml': if USE_YAML: if isinstance(grl, file): self.from_dict(yaml.load(grl)) else: with open(grl) as grl_file: self.from_dict(yaml.load(grl_file)) else: raise ImportError("PyYAML module not found") else: raise ValueError( "{0} does not have valid GRL extension: {1}".format( filename, ext)) for run in self.iterruns(): self.__grl[run].sort() self.__optimize(run) return raise TypeError( "Unable to initialize GRL from a '{0}'".format(type(grl)))
[docs] def from_string(self, string): """ Insert runs and lumiblocks from XML string *string*: str """ if info.USE_LXML: import lxml.etree as ET else: import xml.etree.ElementTree as ET if sys.version_info >= (2, 7): tree = ET.XML(string, parser=ET.XMLParser( target=get_tree_builder())) else: tree = ET.fromstring(string) self.from_xml(tree)
[docs] def from_xml(self, tree): """ Insert runs and lumiblocks from XML *tree*: ElementTree """ name = tree.find('NamedLumiRange/Name') if name is not None: = name.text version = tree.find('NamedLumiRange/Version') if version is not None: self.version = version.text metadata = tree.findall('NamedLumiRange/Metadata') if metadata is not None: self.metadata = metadata lbcols = tree.findall( 'NamedLumiRange/LumiBlockCollection') if lbcols is None: return for lbcol in lbcols: run = int(lbcol.find('Run').text) lbs = lbcol.findall('LBRange') for lumiblock in lbs: self.insert(run, LumiblockRange(int(lumiblock.attrib['Start']), int(lumiblock.attrib['End'])))
[docs] def from_dict(self, d): """ Convert dict to GRL *d*: dict """ o = {} for run, lbranges in d.items(): o[run] = [LumiblockRange(*a) for a in lbranges] self.__grl.update(o)
[docs] def to_dict(self): """ Convert self to dict """ o = {} for run, lbranges in self.items(): o[run] = [(a[0], a[1]) for a in lbranges] return o
def __merge_metadata(self, other=None): # drop metadata for now self.metadata = [] def __copy__(self): return copy.deepcopy(self) def __nonzero__(self): return bool(self.__grl) def __repr__(self): return self.__str__() def __str__(self): output = '' runs_end = len(self.__grl) - 1 for i, run in enumerate(self.iterruns()): lbranges = self.__grl[run] maxlength = max([len(str(lbrange[0])) for lbrange in lbranges]) output += '-' * 15 + '\n' output += 'RUN: %i\n' % run output += 'LUMIBLOCKS:\n' lbranges_end = len(lbranges) - 1 for j, lbrange in enumerate(lbranges): if lbrange[0] == lbrange[1]: output += (' %%-%ds' % maxlength) % lbrange[0] else: output += (' %%-%ds' % maxlength + ' - %i') % lbrange if i != runs_end or j != lbranges_end: output += '\n' return output def __getitem__(self, run): """ Return list of lumiblock ranges for a run *run*: int """ return self.__grl[run] def __delitem__(self, run): """ Remove run and associated lumiblock ranges from GRL *run*: int """ del self.__grl[run] def __contains__(self, runlb): """ Returns True if this GRL contains a run and lumiblock *runlb*: tuple 2-tuple of ints containing run number and lumiblock number """ run, lbn = runlb if run in self.__grl: lbranges = self.__grl[run] # Locate the LumiblockRange containing lbn i = bisect.bisect_left(lbranges, lbn) if (i != len(lbranges)) and (lbn in lbranges[i]): return True return False def __iter__(self): """ Iterate over runs in GRL """ return self.iterruns()
[docs] def items(self): """ Iterate over (run, lbranges) in GRL """ return self.__grl.items()
[docs] def iterlbranges(self): """ Iterate over (run, lbrange) in GRL """ for run, lbranges in self.__grl.items(): for lbrange in lbranges: yield (run, lbrange)
[docs] def iterruns(self): """ Iterate over runs in GRL """ for run in self.__grl.iterkeys(): yield run
[docs] def runs(self): """ Return list of runs in GRL """ return self.__grl.keys()
[docs] def has_run(self, run): """ Returns True if run is in GRL, else False *run*: int """ return run in self.__grl
[docs] def insert(self, run, lbrange): """ Insert a lumiblock range into a run *run*: int *lbrange*: [ LumiblockRange | tuple ] """ if not isinstance(run, int): raise TypeError('run must be an integer') if not isinstance(lbrange, LumiblockRange): lbrange = LumiblockRange(*lbrange) try: lbranges = self.__grl[run] i = bisect.bisect(lbranges, lbrange) lbranges.insert(i, lbrange) self.__optimize(run) except KeyError: self.__grl[run] = [lbrange]
[docs] def remove(self, run, lbrange): """ Remove a lumiblock range from a run *run*: int *lbrange*: LumiblockRange """ if run in self.__grl: if not isinstance(lbrange, LumiblockRange): lbrange = LumiblockRange(*lbrange) lbranges = self.__grl[run] for mylbrange in lbranges[:]: if lbrange[1] < mylbrange[0]: continue if lbrange == mylbrange: lbranges.remove(mylbrange) break elif lbrange[0] > mylbrange[0] and lbrange[1] < mylbrange[1]: # embedded: must split left_lbrange = LumiblockRange(mylbrange[0], lbrange[0] - 1) right_lbrange = LumiblockRange(lbrange[1] + 1, mylbrange[1]) index = lbranges.index(mylbrange) lbranges[index] = left_lbrange lbranges.insert(index + 1, right_lbrange) break elif lbrange.intersects(mylbrange): diff = mylbrange.as_set().difference(lbrange.as_set()) if not diff: # empty set lbranges.remove(mylbrange) if len(lbranges) == 0: break continue newlbrange = LumiblockRange(min(diff), max(diff)) lbranges[lbranges.index(mylbrange)] = newlbrange elif mylbrange[0] > lbrange[1]: break if len(lbranges) == 0: del self.__grl[run]
[docs] def clip(self, startrun=None, startlb=None, endrun=None, endlb=None): """ Clip the GRL between startrun, startlb and endrun, endlb (inclusive) *startrun*: [ int | None ] *startlb*: [ int | None ] *endrun*: [ int | None ] *endlb*: [ int | None ] """ for run in self.runs(): if startrun is not None: if run < startrun: del self.__grl[run] elif run == startrun: if startlb is not None: lbranges = self.__grl[run][:] for lbrange in lbranges: if lbrange[1] < startlb: self.__grl[run].remove(lbrange) elif startlb >= lbrange[0] and \ startlb <= lbrange[1]: self.__grl[run][ self.__grl[run].index(lbrange) ] = LumiblockRange(startlb, lbrange[1]) if len(self.__grl[run]) == 0: del self[run] if endrun is not None: if run > endrun: del self.__grl[run] elif run == endrun: if endlb is not None: lbranges = self.__grl[run][:] for lbrange in lbranges: if lbrange[0] > endlb: self[run].remove(lbrange) elif endlb >= lbrange[0] and endlb <= lbrange[1]: self[run][ self[run].index(lbrange) ] = LumiblockRange(lbrange[0], endlb) if len(self[run]) == 0: del self[run]
def __optimize(self, run): """ Merge lumiblock ranges *run*: int """ lbranges = self.__grl[run] if len(lbranges) == 0: del self.__grl[run] return first = 0 last = len(lbranges) - 1 while first != last: _next = first + 1 merged = False while _next <= last: if lbranges[first][1] >= lbranges[_next][1]: for index in xrange(first + 1, _next + 1): lbranges.pop(_next) merged = True break elif lbranges[first][1] + 1 >= lbranges[_next][0]: lbranges[first] = LumiblockRange(lbranges[first][0], lbranges[_next][1]) for index in xrange(first + 1, _next + 1): lbranges.pop(_next) merged = True break _next += 1 last = len(lbranges) - 1 if not merged: first += 1 def __eq__(self, other): return self.__grl == other.__grl def __ne__(self, other): return not self.__eq__(other) def __add__(self, other): grlcopy = copy.deepcopy(self) grlcopy += other return grlcopy def __iadd__(self, other): if isinstance(other, basestring): other = GRL(other, from_string=True) for run, lbrange in other.iterlbranges(): self.insert(run, LumiblockRange(lbrange)) self.__merge_metadata(other) return self def __sub__(self, other): grlcopy = copy.deepcopy(self) grlcopy -= other return grlcopy def __isub__(self, other): if isinstance(other, basestring): other = GRL(other, from_string=True) for run, lbrange in other.iterlbranges(): self.remove(run, lbrange) self.__merge_metadata(other) return self def __and__(self, other): """ Create a new GRL that is the overlap between two GRLs """ return self - (self - other) def __iand__(self, other): """ Update this GRL by only including the overlap with another GRL """ self -= (self - other) return self def __or__(self, other): """ Merge two GRLs """ return self + other def __ior__(self, other): """ Update this GRL by adding the logical OR with another GRL """ self += other return self def __xor__(self, other): """ Exclusive OR (XOR) between two GRLs """ return (self | other) - (self & other) def __ixor__(self, other): """ Update this GRL by removing overlap with another GRL """ grlcopy = copy.deepcopy(self) self |= other self -= (grlcopy & other) return self
[docs] def cut(self, runname='RunNumber', lbname='lbn'): """ Convert this GRL into a TCut expression. *runname*: str *lbname*: str """ cut = '' for run in self.iterruns(): lbcut = '' for lbrange in self[run]: newcut = (lbname + '>={0:d}&&' + lbname + '<={1:d}').format(*lbrange) if lbcut: lbcut = '({0})|({1})'.format(lbcut, newcut) else: lbcut = newcut newcut = '({0}=={1:d})&&({2})'.format(runname, run, lbcut) if cut: cut = '({0})|({1})'.format(cut, newcut) else: cut = newcut return cut
[docs] def str(self, format='xml'): """ Return string repr of self in the specified format *format*: str """ str_io = cStringIO.StringIO() self.write(filehandle=str_io, format=format) return str_io.getvalue()
[docs] def save(self, name): """ Save GRL to file by name. Determine format from extension. *name*: str """ # is name a ROOT file path? if, name): # one place where goodruns requires ROOT try: import ROOT ROOT.PyConfig.IgnoreCommandLineOptions = True except ImportError: raise ImportError( "Attempting to save GRL in ROOT file but cannot import " "ROOT. Are ROOT and PyROOT installed?") cwd = ROOT.gDirectory filename, _, path = name.rpartition(':/') root_file = ROOT.TFile.Open(filename, 'UPDATE') if not root_file: raise IOError( 'Could not open ROOT file: {0}'.format(filename)) head, tail = os.path.split(os.path.normpath(path)) if head and not raise ValueError( 'Path {0} does not exist in file {1}'.format( head, filename)) xml_string = ROOT.TObjString(self.str()) xml_string.Write(tail) root_file.Close() # return to previous directory else: _, ext = os.path.splitext(name) # ignore period ext = ext[1:] if ext not in GRL.formats: raise ValueError( "{0} does not have a valid GRL extension".format(name)) with open(name, 'w') as filehandle: self.write(filehandle, format=ext)
[docs] def write(self, filehandle, format='xml'): """ Write the GRL in the specified format to the file object. *filehandle*: file *format*: str """ if format == 'xml': if info.USE_LXML: import lxml.etree as ET else: import xml.etree.ElementTree as ET import xml.dom.minidom as minidom root = ET.Element('LumiRangeCollection') subroot = ET.SubElement(root, 'NamedLumiRange') name = ET.SubElement(subroot, 'Name') name.text = version = ET.SubElement(subroot, 'Version') version.text = self.version for meta in self.metadata: subroot.append(meta) for run in self.iterruns(): lumiblocks = self.__grl[run] lbcol = ET.SubElement(subroot, 'LumiBlockCollection') runelement = ET.SubElement(lbcol, 'Run') runelement.text = str(run) for lumiblock in lumiblocks: lbrange = ET.SubElement(lbcol, 'LBRange') lbrange.set('Start', str(lumiblock[0])) lbrange.set('End', str(lumiblock[1])) date ="%Y-%m-%d at %H:%M:%S") meta = ( '''<!DOCTYPE LumiRangeCollection SYSTEM ''' '''"">\n''' '''<!-- This document was created by goodruns: ''' ''' on {0} -->\n'''.format(date)) filehandle.write('<?xml version="1.0"?>\n') filehandle.write(meta) tree = ET.ElementTree(root) if info.USE_LXML: tree.write(filehandle, pretty_print=True) else: xml = minidom.parseString(ET.tostring(tree.getroot(), 'utf-8')) filehandle.write(pretty_xml(xml)) elif format in ('yml', 'yaml'): if not USE_YAML: raise RuntimeError( "YAML is not installed (pip install pyyaml)") filehandle.write(yaml.dump(self.to_dict())) elif format == 'txt': filehandle.write(str(self) + '\n') elif format in ('py', 'python'): filehandle.write("grl = ") pprint(self.__grl, stream=filehandle) elif format == 'cut': filehandle.write(self.cut() + '\n') else: raise ValueError("Unrecognized grl format")